I'll never forget that moment after completing my MBA in '06 when two executive-level leaders created roles for me, offered me more than I asked for, and would not take NO for an answer. Going from desperate for an interview...to THIS in just 3 months felt incredible.
That one moment began the undoing of every belief and preconceived notion I had about leaders and organizations...and how I could get the opportunities I needed to build my career.
It didn't matter that I didn't have 'perfect' experience or the 'right' connections. Or even that I was an introvert, shy and somewhat socially awkward.
Leadership teams pursued me..and offered me amazing opportunities to do the work I loved and was aligned with. Sometimes roles were created just for me! And in just 7 years I quadrupled my earning power to over $300K annual compensation including bonus!
A far cry from almost giving up a career in business after my MBA and going back to my $60K per year engineering job....just because I couldn't land a decent interview.
Instead, I experienced a level of control over my career where I could pick and choose what I wanted to do and how I wanted to make my impact. All because I understood my unique value, what leaders and organizations needed from me, and how to influence with integrity to get my outcomes.
In 2013 I made the decision to step out of my corporate career and share what I've learned with people so that they too can drive their careers, make a lasting impact and live the life they always envisioned.
Since 2013, Amir has helped career professionals worldwide through his coaching, online training programs and live events. Whether they are new grads just launching their careers or in the late stages of their careers, planning the last few years before retiring, Amir has shown career professionals how to better understand their own talent and influence leaders so that they land the jobs and promotions they need.

"In 2016, over a cup of coffee, an illuminating conversation with Amir changed my perspective and my life. When you meet him, you get the feeling that he is clear on his purpose and doing exactly what he is meant to do. As I learned more about Amir, I understood how the events of his life prepared him. I went to him expecting a resume critique and I came away realizing how I was sabotaging my own career. To date, the principles I learned from Amir have translated to job offers immediately after interviewing. That is just a bonus and it is flattering. However, even more valuable is the knowledge gained from Amir on how business enterprise functions and how to leverage that knowledge to influence my desired outcomes. Amir takes nebulous and complex concepts and transforms them into systems to improve the lives of others. I continue to be a student of his and continue to have breakthroughs. His program is one of the hardest things I have done, but the clarity and sense of alignment I have gained has been worth it. His was a language that resonated with me more than any other program, coach or book that I had used to date. Amir goes beyond just getting you in the driver’s seat of your career. He reshapes your thinking to that of an elite racer."
Richard Forbes, MBA, PMP (Job Search Mastery, Coaching)
"When I met Amir, I was at a low point in my job search. I had a few leads and even went through 3 rounds of interviewing for a role that was similar to my last job. And I didn’t get it. I was shocked, frustrated and losing confidence. Amir helped me re-discover my talent from all that I had accomplished in my career. He helped me realize that my worth wasn’t tied to my past employer and that I had the talent to outperform in any organization. This boosted my confidence through the roof. And with my new High Impact Resume, companies could finally see the value I had to offer them. I applied to 3 jobs and was called in for interviews almost immediately. And all three offered me jobs on the spot. The best part is that one company offered me 20% more than what they normally pay. The other offered to create a role for me. And the third offered me a job that I did not have experience in! All under 2 weeks!! This has been a total transformation and I couldn’t be happier. Since then, I have had 5 jobs offered to me even though I wasn’t looking, and my resume continues to get leaders’ attention."
Cara Hendekci, Finance and Banking (Coaching)
"I'd like to express my gratitude to Amir. Before I met him I was having a hard time sorting out how could I apply for a job in a more effective way. Things were just not improving. But after I attended a webinar with Amir, followed by the discussions and chats we had, I started to feel very motivated and renewed. More than this, I do feel that I'm doing the right thing. He has been where I was and he’s clear on what works and doesn’t.”
Andrea Guatelli, General Counsel
"I’m thrilled to say that I just landed a position that I am very excited about! Amir’s course was instrumental in getting me here. The frameworks and tools covered in the course have been invaluable in giving me the direction and confidence to collaborate with my employer to create a role that will value my MBA and will serve my future growth needs. Thank you, Amir!"
Zainab B. (The 12 Day MBA Challenge Course)
"I got a job!! I wanted to thank you for all your help. Your course gave me the tools and clarity I needed to have the confidence when walking into interviews...and get the job!"
Sarah Karim (Next Job Fast)
"After 2+ years of job hunting, I landed a job. The workshop definitely helped me become more confident and believe in myself."
Priscilla Chang (Next Job Fast)
"Thank you, Amir. Brilliant and comprehensive as usual. The information and your energy really had an impact on me, and it helped me land a position."
Tracy Grey, MBA. (Job Application Guide)
"Amir consistently goes the extra 10 miles not just to make you more desirable to employers but to believe in yourself and point out your blind spots. Amir's passion to amplify one's career is palpable and his approach to career mentoring has also positively impacted my personal life. Amir is one of those few coaches that you must be exposed to, even for someone like me that has had an explosive rise to executive management."
Khalid Hansraj
"Your workshop was fascinating and real. What I mean by that is first, you were very open and honest with us. You shared your experiences from both your professional life and personal life. Second, you helped us gain clarity of market realities. You revealed a secret path to help us get to where we want to be. Also, I'm impressed by your passion and energy. The workshop felt like an amazing concert and I wish we could have had endless encores. It was so much fun. The music, the dance, the stretches, and your true stories with your magic story-telling techniques! You kept us hooked and made our time fly by fast. Thanks for the fantastic course!"
Li Zhang (Next Job Fast)
"Amir’s insights on business and personal growth are extraordinary. You can easily tell that he has put a lot of time and hard work to package what he knows to help others. Amir's energy and commitment to helping people are inspiring. With Amir, you don’t get the typical stuff other experts and coaches teach. What you get with Amir is immersion in an intense program developed by someone who has been through the same challenges as you, and who gives his best to coach you so that you too can thrive.”
Aluisio Leibanti, MBA, PMP (Next Job Fast)
"Amir helped me focus my 35+ years of experience and land 2 enthusiastic job offers. Thank you for everything Amir. You were there with your course. You were there through my ups and downs. I went from feeling like I was all over the map, to having conviction in who I am and the value I had to offer. This was a game-changer in getting interviews, and offers."
Rick Wilke (Job Search Mastery, Coaching)
"Right after I updated my CV, I received 2 job interviews. It's been only 4 days!!"
Benita L. Hubbard, Adjunct Professor (Rapid Resume Fix)
"I have completed the Level 2 edits and am much happier that my CV is starting to better represent my hard work, skills and accomplishments in a format that is relatable to other organizations!!"
Selena Francis, Logistics (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Your training is insightful and results-oriented. I updated my CV and received three interview invites within a week. Thank you so much for this invaluable opportunity to learn a lot from your training."
Ndipmong Jackson, Project Manager (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Thank you for everything. I'm working on my resume now. I'm impressed. Now I can see what's missing!!"
Hamza Driss, Mechanical Engineer (Rapid Resume Fix)
"This is really helpful. Thanks a lot"
Genevieve Njoku, Analytical Chemist (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Thank you, Amir. You did an excellent job of adjusting to the demand considering the volume you received. Looking forward to applying all these points going forward."
Chris Julien, Finance & Banking (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Wow thank you so much for this"
Uyime Ibok, Finance & Banking (Rapid Resume Fix)
"What you're doing is awesome. God bless you"
Bernice Asuquo, Chief Compliance Officer (Rapid Resume Fix)
"I am loving this Level 3 series. Thank you so much"
Danielle Sion-Moore, Senior Engineer (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Thank you very much once again for all you are doing to make a difference in the lives of complete strangers."
Clinton Maxson (Rapid Resume Fix)
"Great tips and insight, Amir! You clearly have passion for what you do and it definitely transferred to me. Excited to continue following and learn more from you! Looking forward to applying the learnings ... and being consistent!"
Saira Shamasdin, Director (Land Multiple Offers)
"I've been a hiring Manager/Consultant in the Optical Industry for 28 years interviewing and hiring hundreds of potential candidates for Fortune 500 Companies and private Optometry. Amir is bang-on with his Influence Triggers!"
Gord Van Dam, Consultant/GM (Land Multiple Offers)
"I retired from the Financial Services industry a few years ago, and it's been interesting to look over my career through the lens of your framework. I see that my issue was failing to migrate hiring leaders from Desire (I never had problems getting job offers, but no one ever chased me or valued me) to Conviction. I am intrigued by your recommendation to influence hiring leaders rather than impress them."
Vince Bacani (Land Multiple Offers)
"Thank you for sharing your amazing talent of being a career architect. Your insight into not only how companies truly work, but how to get them to pursue you aggressively (in a good way) is incredible. I never realized that we have the power to not only land a job, but a job that we love and will help us grow our careers by creating opportunities for ourselves ...this insight is priceless! It is thanks to you that my husband pursued and landed his present job...thank you again."
Anet Hershey-Forbes (Land Multiple Offers)
"Amir, it is so refreshing to hear your words of wisdom after what seems like a long time ago! You have nailed the issues faced by typical job seekers in the marketplace and perfectly-identified the source of the problem."
Muneet Bhatia, Strategy Consultant (Land Multiple Offers)
"Amir, you are just good, insightful and thought-provoking. This framework goes beyond just landing a job but also in any partnership negotiation."
Alfred Acheampong (Land Multiple Offers)
"I love your energy on this topic! Your points are well thought out and spot-on from my own experience of hiring in the last 20 years. In fact, I talk about a few of these all the time with my hiring managers. Especially number 6, when times get tough we tend to put our efforts into those we relate to best!"
Jim Mills (Land Multiple Offers)
"This is excellent information. I just want to highlight what I consider to be the first critical step in the journey toward Job Search Mastery. You have to know and believe in your value, who are you, what you bring to the table."
Richard Forbes, MBA, PMP (Land Multiple Offers)
"At this point in my life, your insights and teachings have lit an encouraging spark in me. I'm changing careers and just received training in a totally new field. I know that your teaching will help me going forward in a profound way. Thanks and all the very best."
Hillary Bennet Edwards (Land Multiple Offers)
"Thanks very much for this training Amir!, It was highly energetic and refreshing. It was also great to discover how understanding these triggers, you should be able to also understand the mindset of the decision-makers...You do a Great Job, Amir!"
Nelson Maldonado (Land Multiple Offers)
"One of the biggest gifts that I have gotten from doing the Job Search Mastery program is discovering and owning my value."
Richard Forbes, MBA, PMP (Job Search Mastery)
"My vision became so clear last night as I watched this video...This is gold worth material!"
Rick Wilke, Senior Operations Leader (Job Search Mastery)
"As I near the end of this first module I just want to say "WOW", I had no idea this program would go so deep! Thank you Amir for putting this program together."
Jim Mills (Job Search Mastery)